Monday, October 01, 2012

A prayer in the night

Lord,  it's the middle of the night and I'm awake.
I think of you at times like this...times of quiet, times when all the distractions of the world are gone and in the silence I am aware that you are there.

Lord, I love you.  I know it's not a perfect love. Like a child expressing his love for his parents my love for you is only in its infancy, but I do love you and want to love you more. 

Lord, I need you.  Of this I am most aware.  I need you for breath, for direction, for peace, for salvation, for everything.  I need you.  I'm keenly aware of how much I need you and know that need will never decrease.  As I depend on you for all of life help me to not fear the threats of the world around me.

Lord, I'm like a child.  I'm dependent on you for everything and I'm glad for that dependence.  Even as I trust you for all things help me to grow into the mature believer you want me to be, a man of God fully trusting you for my every moment.

Lord, I praise you.  I know some prayer models tell me this comes first, but all of this prayer is praise, I just want to tell you that I'm so thankful that you are the God who found me, loves me, saves me, watches me, cares for me, smiles at me, helps me and yet never condemns me.  I praise you  because you are simply amazing.  What a wonderful God you are.  Thank you for showing us that you love us.  There is no other god who loves his creation as you do.  Thank you for your love.

Lord, thank you for listening in the middle of the night.  What an amazing God you are.  Even in the silence I know you are there and you hear me.  Thank you  for listening to these feeble words of need and praise.  I offer them to you as an offering and sacrifice of worship.  You are most wonderful and glorious.  Thank you for your love, for your forgiveness, for your care.  Thank you that you love a broken feeble creature like me.  Because of you I am blessed.

Thank you.  

1 comment:

  1. Impressed not only with the sharing of this heartfelt, well written prayer but that you could write at this level at such an hour.
