Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The question

How do you connect with people?  

How do you get acquainted with someone you've just met?  

These are questions that I ask because I want to know these new people and I want to talk about more than the weather with those I meet.  Each person is an eternal soul.  How do I connect with that one and open the door to a discussion about more than the surface issues of polite conversation?

I've thought about this for several years.  I've tried different questions that didn't work at all.  It's hard to break the barrier of first meetings, but I have finally come upon a question that gives me permission to go beyond "hello".  It's a wonderful way to go deeper with a person you may never meet again.

At lunch today I asked the question of my waiter, Sam.  She was a sweet young lady who did a wonderful job and had a great attitude.  As she took our drink order (I was eating with a friend) I asked her, "So Sam, while you're getting our drinks I have a question for you to think about.  When you come back I want to know about the best thing that's ever happened to you, ok?"  Sam smiled, agreed and off she goes.  In a few minutes she returned with our drinks and my answer.  Sam said, "The best thing that's happened to me is my brothers.  They are 10 and 1 and I love them!"  The door was open and we talked about everything as she lingered at our table.

This evening I met another of our men for dinner.  Cora waited on us.  As she took our drink orders I asked the question and Cora went for the drinks, thinking about her answer.  When she returned she told me, "The best thing that's happened to me so far is my college degree in psychology."  The door was open and she told me of her aspirations and what she wants to do with her life.  

We...Sam, Cora and I, became instant friends although they knew absolutely nothing about me except that I was interested in them.  I will continue my visits with these young ladies when I return to these restaurants and we will go beyond my first question to deeper issues, but the door is open wider than I ever imagined it could be. The question made a relationship with two strangers possible in just a few moments.

All around us are people living their lives and just waiting... (although they don't know it yet)...waiting for someone to ask them, "So, what's the best thing that's ever happened to you?"

Here's my invitation to you-  In the next week ask someone this question and really listen as they tell you their story.  My stories today are just a sample of what I have heard from wonderful people willing to share their stories with me. You will be amazed to hear what people will share if someone will simply ask.  Then, come and share your stories in the comment section.  I can't wait to hear about your experiences!

1 comment:

  1. have I told you lately how thankful i am for you?... I am! Hugs and love to you and Joye! Blessed to call you friend.
