Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sychronizing culture

I spent the day at an apologetics conference today.  It was a great day with amazing speakers and 3,000 others wanting to know how to defend the Christian faith in a Post-Christian culture.

It struck me, as the speakers each talked of faith and truth, that the problem of our day is the erosion of the foundations.  If you erode the foundations of what can be known or simply make them unstable then slowly, over time, those in the culture will all come into agreement about issues they would have never agreed on before.

When we are convinced the foundations are unstable it's much easier to create agreement in a culture...'s easier to synchronize dissonance.  

I found this video fascinating and thought about the speakers today as they discussed truth.  When truth is compromised then soon all will agree that truth can't be known.  The power of the majority on an unstable foundation is contagious.  Soon the pressure to conform will be difficult to resist.  

Unless we know that truth is absolute and can be known, we will succumb to a culture that no longer believes the foundations are stable.  The pressure is great, but truth can be known and it's revealed in Jesus Christ.  

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