Wednesday, September 05, 2012

The glory of his work

One of the great blessings of our time away from the church was our two weeks in Hawaii.  I know many have been there, but this was our first time.  It was a wonderful rest and blessing to us as we got away far enough to relax and rest.  I took this photo one evening from the beach near our condo.  Sunset in Hawaii is always great, it's an event as people gather to take a photo of the sun as it sets.

What we are all doing, even if we don't realize it, is celebrating the artwork of God.  It is a beauty that man cannot duplicate.  It is a picture that only the great artist can create.  We photograph it to remember the view, but behind it is a faithful loving God who daily displays his glory for us to see.  When we say "wow" it should be with a heart of worship to the God who made it all.

Often, because of the clutter of man, we lose sight of the work of God but there is nothing to compare with the beauty God creates.  And one of those great works is us!  We are the work of his hand, the beautiful work of his love.  Few of us celebrate the beauty of each other, but in the face of the one you walk by today is the beauty of God's great artistic work.  As beautiful as any sunset so is the life of the one who annoys you on the highway.  God made that man as his work of art for his glory just as he made the sunset. 

The difference between us and the sunset?  The sunset doesn't get in the way of God's glory....

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