Monday, September 03, 2012

Photo of the day

I got interested in photography in the mid 60's.  It started as a hobby, but quickly became a way to make money.  I worked as a photographer for our local newspaper for several years.  It was a great experience and a lot of fun.  

After many years of just taking photos for the family I thought I would once more indulge this passion and see what I could create.  Here's my first offering.  On occasion I'll share a photo with you I've taken.  I'm not going pro by any means, but I enjoy the hobby.  Hopefully I can capture a bit of the beauty of what God has made.


  1. I love this photo and din't realize you had taken it. Great shot!

  2. The photo is wonderful, and I too, like Lori had not realized you took it when looking on it on fb. I zoomed in and it was fabulous!
