Wednesday, September 12, 2012


It's Wednesday morning, September 12th.  It's the day after the 11th (obviously).  I remember this day 11 years ago.  There was complete silence in the air above our home.  The reason that’s significant is because we live in the flight path of DFW airport and we live with the sounds of jets approaching the airport overhead every 45 seconds.  It's not loud, but it's there, but on this day 11 years ago it was silent, not a sound overhead.  It was unnerving, eerie, silent.  We could hear the sound of silence. We had grown used to the companion sounds of airplanes and then they were gone. Suddenly we realized we had gotten used to and no longer heard the jets overhead.

There are times when dramatic changes happen in our lives and then we notice the things we had gotten used to.  We notice what we have said yes to when it's suddenly gone.  In the quiet of that morning we missed something that annoyed many who visit us.  Visitors in our home and would ask, "what's that noise??"  And we would explain the flight path.  We no longer heard our ears it was normal.

I wonder....what have I gotten used to in my life that's not really ok with God?  What noise do I no longer hear? What is "ok" with me that is a distraction to my faith, something not natural when others visit my life?  What little noises have I gotten used to and no longer hear?

Are there things I have let become normal in my life that shouldn't be?  Have I allowed and gotten used to sins, habits, choices that are not what God would want, but I don't even see them anymore, don't even notice them?  What little sins have I gotten comfortable with, what little choices and habits have I made normal that shouldn't be?  I wonder.  

Lord, help me to be sensitive to the things that should not be part of my life.  Help me to see those things I should be doing that I'm not even aware of.  Help me to walk with you in a way that I might really hear the noise in my life that I no longer hear.

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