Monday, September 24, 2012

God's provision, providence and protection

I'll tell this story as best I can. 

It's a true story, but it's not my story.  

This is the story of my niece and her family.  It happened a few months ago.  As I heard the story from close family members I thought about how amazing God's care for us really is.  Here is the story,

A few months ago Wendy's daughter came home from school and asked her mother, "If we had a fire how would we get out of the house?"  Wendy asked, "Why do you ask that?"  And her daughter explained that the teacher at school that day had talked to them about preparation for a possible fire and an escape plan.

What is our exit plan? 

How do we escape if our house is on fire?  

What do we do?

Wendy took her daughter's worries seriously, went to the store with her and got a rope ladder for the window of their second story home where the bedrooms were located.  They set it up and talked about what they would do if a fire happened.

Within weeks they woke in the night to a house full of smoke. The house was on fire!  Wendy, Jerry and the kids crawled through the smoke to the bedroom where the ladder was installed to escape the fire.  

Wendy's husband, Jerry, said he almost gave up because the smoke was so bad, but they all climbed down the ladder purchased just weeks earlier and escaped a fire that burned their home to the ground.

If it weren't for a class in school, a child who was concerned, a mother who responded, a ladder installed a family of four would have died in that fire.

It sounds like a series of timely coincidences doesn't it?  Often life seems that way.  We look back at events that just "seem to fall in place" and discover the invisible hand of God's provision and providence.  God is in the little events of our lives that look like coincidence, but are so much more.  

Stories like this are part of every life every day, but the outcome is seldom so dramatic and so we miss them.  God is working in each life every day for our good and his glory.  Sometimes the events are so clear we just have to stop and say, "Isn't God amazing!"

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