Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fearful little creatures

Psalm 57:3 When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
4 In God, whose word I praise—
in God I trust and am not afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?

"When I am afraid...." These words were written by one of the most fearsome, brave warriors of his day, David. He was a fearless! He was king. He was no coward and yet fear was a problem he had to deal with in his life.....just as we do in ours. We are such fearful little creatures on a tiny planet in a vast Universe. Make some noise and fear rises in our hearts. Tell us there is crisis in the marketplace and panic ensues. Like David we all deal with fear. We all know the world around us is not in our control. We all live with imminent fear in our lives. How do we respond? What do we do when fear rises in our hearts?

"I put my trust in you." The solution to the fears we experience is someone, something big enough to calm them. Someone able to resolve them. David said that his first response to fear was to trust in God. We all run to something when fear rises in our hearts, what is it? Do we run to the bank account? Is our first response a call to a loved one? Is our trust in the government? Our job? Our family? When fear rises we need someone, something able to resolve that fear, calm our anxiety. David trusted in God. Who or what do you trust?

"In God, whose word I praise— in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?" There is one last thing about dealing with fear that is important- you have to know that the one you trust to resolve it is really able to help. David, after many experiences with fear, had found that God was trustworthy, able to calm his fears, able to solve his problems. He knew his solution for fear was someone....God himself. What can man do to you when the creator of the universe is your helper? What do you have to fear when God is your refuge?

As one of the fearful little creatures on this tiny little planet I'm so glad I have a big God who can calm my anxious heart and deal with my fearful mind.

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