Sunday, September 09, 2012

Desperate days

My soft-hearted receptionist came back to tell me there was a lady in real need in our reception area and she didn't want to just send her away empty handed.

I met with Nancy.  It's hard to know how best to help at times. Is this person just begging for a living or is this a real need?  It's sad, but I have to deal with these questions and make difficult choices at times.

Nancy had a very sad story.  No place to live, no money, mental illness and a 16 year old daughter. The only way I can imagine it worse is if she had cancer!  She was desperate for help of some kind.  This is happening more often than we want to admit.  These are desperate days.  

In case you're wondering, yes I helped Nancy and her daughter.  It's what we do as Christ followers, isn't it?  It's why people come to us for help because they know that Christians are supposed to help and we are, we should, we must.  In desperate times like these there is nothing more important than showing the love God extends us by extending it to others.  

This spirit of caring comes because God has cared for us.  It's a response to God's love for us that makes us reach out to others.  Some are selling their homes, moving into smaller homes and using the extra money to help others.  Others are looking for different ways to help those in need. The love of Christ is motivating them to share what God has given them with those in need.

This is how Jesus fed the multitudes.  He gave the bread and fish to the disciples who then gave it to the crowds.  He made them "middle men" for his provision.  He does the same with us in our day.  We are his "middle men and women" sharing what God has given us with those in need, both spiritually and physically.  

In desperate days like these the love of Christ in us is revealed most clearly as we help those who have nowhere else to go.  The love of God moves us to action just as it did God when he gave to us,  "For God so loved the world he gave...."  

Giving out of love is the very nature of our Father.  As his children we have this same heart, a heart of love that gives.  Pray for an opportunity to share the love of God with those in need around you.   Desperate days give us opportunities to show how glorious the love of God is for those in need of both food and faith.

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