Saturday, September 15, 2012

Becoming animals

It's interesting living in the culture we do.  In this post-modern culture, or whatever it's called now,  there is a wholesale abandonment  of belief in God.  At university level the statistics say that 70% or more of Christian kids will abandon their faith and become agnostic or atheist.

The culture at large is moving away from a belief in God as well.  Around us is a culture proud of its ability to function without God.  They even claim to be moral without God (but that discussion is for another day).

What's the price for these choices? What does it cost a man to turn his back on God?  Of course you might expect me to say it costs him salvation, and that is true, but there is another price that most don't realize they pay- they lose their role as image bearers.

The bible says we were made in the image of God, but when we deny him, refuse to believe in him, to follow him, we forsake the very thing we were designed to be- image bearers of God.  

As a result we often choose to bear the image of the only thing left, the animal world around us.  I think this is why movies like the Twilight series are so popular.  Men and women becoming vampires and werewolves gives them an image to reflect, an identity....the image of animals.  

This comes out as well in a new TV series titled GRIMM.  In this series a police officer is chasing people who look completely normal, but are really animals under the skin.  When we deny our role as image bearers of God we usually imitate what we see around us.  

Romans 1 talks of this, but not in exactly the same way I am here.  It's clear we were designed to reflect God, to bear his image.  When we refuse our identity we will reflect something, what will that be?  

Some wonder why the world around us is becoming so violent, why anger, killing, and war seems to be growing.  In part it's because we have decided to abandon our calling as image bearers of God and the results are what we see in our world acting like animals.

When you turn your back on God you lose much more than you would imagine.  You lose the God who made you, you lose the promise of life, you lose peace (that's another post as well) and you lose sight of what you were designed to be, you lose your identity.  

The price is much higher than we even know, but when we deny God we also deny being made in his image and choose a lower image. We choose to become men without souls, without a purpose, without a moral compass, without hope.  We become animals.

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