Monday, August 13, 2012

Truth defined

"Truth is a path not a possession."  - Julian (a "pagan") in the UK

This short quote is part of a response from a reader of another blog I write for.  He is responding to an article I wrote about the choices we make.   Julian's comments reveal bits and pieces of different beliefs he has put together to define what he believes.  Of course he tried to correct me and my "wrong" beliefs. One of his belief statements is what I have quoted above. 

It sounds very spiritual doesn't it?  It feels good, this idea of truth being a path not a possession...but truth isn't a path, it is a destination.  We all seek truth, we want to know what's right, what's wrong and truth as a path is never the goal....truth as a destination is! 

He also claims it's not a possession. But if we didn't want to possess it why the quest to find it?  The statement sounds very spiritual, but it's utter nonsense!  Here is truth defined by the one who knows it best,

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." -Jesus

Truth isn't a path, it's not a possession, it's a person and in that person all truth comes together. Julian might think the quest is the goal, but without a goal the quest is meaningless.  Truth defined is Jesus Christ.  He is the quest at the end of the path and the great desire of each heart.  Truth is a person, Jesus Christ.


  1. Thank you, Mike, for getting through the detritus and to the heart of what matters.

  2. Your choice of words is most kind. And thank you for your comment.
