Monday, August 27, 2012

There are days...

Photo by Caras Ionut

There are days when it feels like life and death are in the balance.  Days when anything you do will mean total victory or complete disaster. Days when the world is watching to see if you will fall or if you will make it.  There are days when it seems this is the most important thing you have ever done or will ever do.

Then there is the rest of life.

Most of life is not like this.  It's filled with the boring normal days of living.  Get up, go to work, come home, go to a soccer game, eat dinner, watch TV, go to bed, get up and do it again.  Boring normal is most of our life.

We long for days that make us feel alive, but those are few and we are glad when they are over.  Funny, isn't it, how we long for the excitement, but can't wait to get to the other side and back to "real life".  We are torn....wanting a life that matters, but unable to stand the stress of what that we sink back into boring normal and dream of the days when our whole life is on the line and what we do "really matters".

Why do we live like this?  Why do we hate the boring normal days, but dread the days of life and death?  Why do we think that the normal life we live each day doesn't really make a difference?  No one can live on the edge of life and death all the time, we all live about 98% of our lives in the routine so how do we make the routine of our days "really matter"?  

I have to tell you that it's the everyday life of Jesus...walking down a dusty road, eating with the disciples, listening to the hurting, sleeping in a boat...that really mattered not so much because of who he was, but how he lived.  He lived as if each moment and each person was the most important person and encounter of eternity.  People mattered to Jesus.  Moments were significant with him.  Food tasted better when you ate a meal with him.  He relished it all and loved each one he encountered. 

In the midst of a culture with no TV, no iPad, iPod, internet or cell phones Jesus made every moment significant because he was living out the life God called him to, walking with God in each encounter, in each moment.  Every day is a day that "really matters" if you know that you matter to God and he wants a moment by moment life with you, through you....even in the boring normal.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post Mike. You are such a seasoned, trusting, solid believer. I am so thankful to have you in our lives. You write well, and I thoroughly love this one.
