Saturday, August 18, 2012

The center of the universe

I've been at a restaurant since early this morning waiting for a man I was to meet.  He forgot.  I've watched the sun rise, watched people come and go, watched the waitress try to please everyone.  

I'm fascinated by people.  We all, aware of it or not, consider ourselves the center of the universe.  The world doesn't really revolve around the sun, it revolves around us!  Just watch people in a restaurant and you will see how true this is.

It's this self centering way we live that God is dealing with in the Bible.  We live our lives as if everything revolves around us.  God wants us to live as if everything revolves around HIM.  It's a complete change of what, who and how we live.  It changes how we think, how we interact with others, how we view ourselves and the world around us.  A God-centered life looks completely different than a life lived with me as the center.  

When I live my life, no longer as the center but centered around God, all the pressure is gone.  I no longer strive to find approval of others.  Approval is fleeting at best because everyone else wants the same thing.  We are like a bunch of puppies all wanting our bellies scratched.  We all want and need to be validated as the center of the universe.

How's that working for us?  To be honest it's a disaster!  A major shift in who is the center of the universe is needed.  Clearly, God says he is the center of all things and when we give him his rightful place life is easier, things work better and we find a peace we never longer needing "our bellies scratched."  

So, who's the center of your universe?


  1. Here's a funny side note on this post....I was at the wrong restaurant! My friend was at another. He was surely thinking how self-centered I was to miss our meeting.

  2. Haa Haa. That is funny, Mike. being servent minded with each individual as our job for god helps not thinking about me all the time. Keeping motives kind and loving for the Lord, Working on time with god, putting him before anyone or anything, worshiping and giving our willingness to nothing but him, trusting he will place the right things and the right people on our path. That is how I like to think about it. God is the center of my universe, otherwise, nothing works the way it has been ordained by him. Critical doctor appointment in the am. I send his spirit before me leading and knowing Jesus Christ is helping me to keep my steps straight and my mind captive to him. Things are sooooo difficult right now. But even though i may feel one way, the peace of God burns through my heart. He is so faithful to show me the way. I can control certian things, mostly a very small amount of things. I understand how the pressure is given to him. My will controlled by him willingly, wisdom, standing on the word, a moment and a day at a time. That is all I can do is barely anything. But my Lord and Savior, my God and Holy Spirit, they bring me closer to God with a willing ear and a perceiving eye, looking to serve and help bring a smile or more to someone, I'm taken care of. I don't have to be the center. If I am because of my symptoms, it's not wanted but accepted, thefore putting him first. sigh. it has been rough but i never give up hope that the can and will at any time help me more and more, heal me more and more, or bring me to him which I would love if he thinks it is the right thing.

    Thanks for writing, Mike~ again, inspiration and thoughtful, accountability and reiterating to make sure I am keeping him always first,my center, it just won't work any other way and be in his will. i want to do what he wants willingly. always. i surrendered a long time ago, life is so much better with him in my universe and having the power of the same spirit in me to do his will when he leads. I also like waiting on him and seeing how he deals with it all. peace... phil 4:12 supernatural wonderful, peace. Thank you lord. Thank you God for caring and being so true to everything you ever said you would do. I trust you like no other, love you more ethan anything. I am your beloved...because of GRACE, and your love, and faithfulness all these years through so many obstacles, you have made us overcomers. Thank you, may all praise and glory go to you.
