Thursday, August 09, 2012

Living in color

I love color.

I love the beauty of color and texture as nature entertains us with the glory of every color imaginable.  Plants, flowers, animals....all different textures, shapes and colors.  Beauty is all around us and those of us who take a lot of photos try to capture the color and beauty God has made, but we can't.  There is nothing to match the color and beauty of God's creation.  With our best efforts we can only capture a poor copy of what God has made.

One photographer said recently, "I hate my camera".  He described his frustration with trying to capture the beauty his eyes saw and realizing there is no camera on earth that can copy what he sees.  It is frustrating, but what we all know and sense is that this creation is amazing!  Why is there color?  Why is beauty woven into our world?  Why not just black and white?  Why is beauty so important to us?

I think we love color and beauty because God does.  He wove the entire color spectrum into the world around us just as an artist would do expressing his heart and passion.  We live in a color universe, what a beautiful place to be as we see the flowers, the sunset, the glory of the sky sprinkled with beautiful clouds.  All around us is color and texture.  

Living in a world of color is one of the rich blessings of God's creation.  He didn't simply make a world to exist in, he made a world to enjoy!  So, today take a moment and survey the beauty around you, the colors, the textures and tell God "thank you" for his amazing artistic hand. 

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