Wednesday, August 15, 2012


There are times when I think my friends who enjoy a good cigar have the right idea.  They will intentionally pause for a time of quiet contemplation, unwrap a cigar, run the full length of it under their nose and take a big whiff of it and then the preparation to smoke it begins. 

There is an intentional purpose to cigars and it's not all about smoking them.  It's about a time away from the whirlwind of life for a quiet, calm and contemplative change of pace.  There may also be an adult beverage included in this interruption in the day, but at the heart is quiet, contemplation, a time to step away.

Contemplation demands a change of pace.  It will not mix with the crazy pace of the day.  You have to step aside, find a quiet place, be quiet yourself and think, be, rest, and reflect.  It's a wonderful idea because it facilitates a time to quiet your mind, your heart, your life and your's a stopping of everything to just listen.

Listen to nothing and everything all at the same time.  Sounds very Zen doesn't it? It's actually meant to be a time when you don't have to do anything, mentally or physically.  It's a complete stepping aside from the world as it passes by. 

I've just come back after three months of this kind of rest.  I didn't smoke a single cigar, but I definitely took time to step away from the world and quietly listen to everything and to nothing.  To hear God and listen to the silence.  To be able to manage the crazy world we live in a time of contemplation is a healthy part of a day, a necessary part of the day.

When do you step aside and listen?  When do you turn off all the noise and sit for a bit so God can reach through the noise of your life to speak to you?  When, in your day, do you stop and say to God, "Speak Lord, your servant is listening"?

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