Friday, June 01, 2012


Col. 1:13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, 14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Rescue stories always make the news.  We love to hear about great stories of lives saved, rescued from the sea, rescued from a fallen building after an earthquake, saved from death as a ship sinks at sea.  We love redemption stories....they give us hope, promise, the vision of how things should be...of people helping others escape from certain doom.

This passage in Colossians 1 is a story of rescue.  It's the story of rescue for all of humanity by a loving God.  The rescue plan was conceived before time began and executed 2,000 years ago on behalf of a race that had no way of rescue on their own.  We desperately needed someone to come and help us.  That is what God declares he has done.  He has rescued us from the domain (dominion) of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.  The rescue is available to anyone who will reach out a hand of faith and ask for salvation. 

God's great rescue plan provides help to the helpless, a home in a new kingdom, redemption (bought back) and forgiveness of sins.  We all love rescue stories.  I think that's why I so love the story of God's rescue of mankind.  It's the ultimate story of sacrifice and love demonstrated to provide the ultimate solution for each of us who will reach out a hand of faith.  





What a rescue plan!

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