Friday, June 22, 2012

Insights into the heart of God

It happened more than 40 years ago.  I was at university, sitting on a bench on campus talking to God.  I wanted more, wanted to understand God's love.  I prayed, "Lord, let me see people the way you do."  In a moment a friend, Evelyn, walked by.  We didn't exchange a word, but my heart began to break as I saw how much God loved her.  I began to weep with the weight of God's love for her.  It was more than I could bear, more than I could imagine.  It was too much and I prayed, "Lord, stop, I can't take any more."

I think of that moment often.  It was a life changing moment for me to see others the way God sees them.  His love for us is more than we can understand, more than we can bear, it's wonderfully overwhelming.  I could only see a small glimpse into his love and it broke me, it changed me.  I think of that park bench and Evelyn often and remember the sense of God's love for her and for others as they walked by.

But only recently did I get the full meaning of that moment more than 40 years ago (yes, I'm slow). During this time of sabbatical it suddenly struck me that God loves me the same way he loves Evelyn!  I don't know why I never put those pieces together, but I didn't.  I suddenly realized a message meant for me more than 40 years ago finally got through- God loves me!

Yes, yes...I know all about that from the bible.  I know God loves me, but to really know it, to really understand how he feels about me, the emotion of it...even if it's just a glimpse....has changed my walk with him.  It's a shame that it took 40 years for me to "get it". 

There's no way to describe the depth of this love of the Father, this overwhelming love he has for us.  There's no words for it other than what we can see in the cross.  The cross tells us all we can bear about the love of God.  God loves us so much that he gave the eternal son to redeem us, to make us his children.  This love isn't just actions, but it's rich with emotions.  It's a love with a depth we could never fully understand.  It's a love that is overwhelmingly wonderful.  

God loves you, he loves me, he loves Evelyn more than you could possibly imagine.  It's this love that has made it possible for us to be his children.  A love wonderfully beyond words.  A love so grand that the cross is only a glimpse of how glorious it is.  A love that would overwhelm you.....a love for you that is more than you could bear or even imagine.  God loves you.

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