Friday, June 15, 2012


I'm always amazed at God's creation.  He is such a wonderful artist. Just a few miles from where we are staying is a rain forest with sharp mountain peaks rising from the jungle.  I've never seen anything quite like it, it's beautiful.  

This rain forest is a national park.  I'm sure that if it weren't there would be homes built all around it.  We all love beautiful places and want to live near the beauty, but when we move in we seem to destroy the beauty we wanted to be near.  It's only beautiful because we haven't touched it yet.  

Where we are staying is fully developed.  Buildings and concrete everywhere.  A few trees and bushes to attempt to make it all look nice, but the footprint of man is everywhere.   I don't have a big application today, it's just a few observations I've made thinking about this beautiful untouched park.  I'm glad we still have a few places where we, as a race, haven't "made it our own".

God does a much better job as an artist without our help.

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