Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Constantly amazed

Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. -Psalm 105:1

Yesterday we took the day and drove to Hana.  What a beautiful drive.  What a long day!  It was amazing to see the rain forest and all that has been untouched on this beautiful island. 

When we got to Hana we took a break at the country store and in the parking lot stood this beautiful cardinal.  I had never seen one of these before.  We have nothing like it where I have lived.  I watched him for a moment simply enjoying the beauty of his colors and markings.  What a beautiful bird!  What a creative God!

In every place I've traveled I have seen beautiful creatures, amazing sights, wonderful things that declare an amazing designer.  The beauty and design around us, the creativity of what we see all speaks to a grand and creative maker.  What an artist!

As Psalms says, declare to the world what God has done, so let me do that as I talk about this beautiful cardinal......

....God makes really beautiful stuff!  His presence and creative work around us can only be denied if we close our eyes.  It's everywhere to be seen.  Today I'm thankful for one little bird that made me more aware of what a great God I worship.


Anonymous said...

That is an amazing looking bird! His natural revelation is obvious and everywhere...

Anonymous said...

I love birds and this is such a beautiful one. I'm such a geek I even have books on them. I've never seen one like this. To be amazed at God's handiwork and to give him credit for it is a great form of worship. ~ Rose