Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The impact of our lives

We are in a place this week where thousands come for vacation.  It's an adult disneyland in many ways.  Games, food, shows, music....everything you could want for distraction and entertainment.  It is an amazing place.

Passing by us, as we enjoy the city, are thousands of others.  Old and young from dozens of countries all gathered to see this amazing place and rest or play for a few days.

It's early morning here and I'm thinking about the brevity of our lives, how quickly these few moments of earthly existence pass.  As we move through each day a bit of us is left behind in the lives of those we encounter.  We leave a smile or a frown on the face we encounter.  We find a new friend or someone who wishes we would just go away.  Moment by moment, day by day we leave bits of our lives in our wake as we encounter other lives.  What follows in our wake?  What memory did we leave?  How did we touch that life?  What did we leave behind?

As one who is part of a greater kingdom I often think about these things as I live in this kingdom.  Day by day, as an ambassador of my kingdom, the kingdom of God, I'm representing God as I leave bits of my life behind each encounter with another person.  I've either sweetened their day or made it harder.  I've drawn them closer to the kingdom of God or pushed them away.  My walk through life is leaving a trail of encounters that touch other lives.

I wonder, do we realize the impact we make in the lives of those we meet?  Do we walk as citizens of the kingdom of God in a way that draws others to Christ or pushes them away?  I wonder....do we realize the impact of our lives?

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