Saturday, April 28, 2012


Have you ever felt small?  Have you ever looked at the night sky and thought how small and insignificant we seem in the vast universe around us?  

We find ourselves on a small planet in the back alleys of the universe looking out at an amazing view of just a few of the billions of stars around us.  It all makes me feel very small and it was meant to.  As I look at the universe and see how vast it really is the question I ask is this, Who made all of this?  What kind of God is this that could make and sustain all that I see?  

The bible says that God named every star and knows each one by name.  Really?  In the vastness of this amazing universe God claims to not only be the creator but also the sustainer of it all.  What fascinates me as I look at the night sky are these words from Genesis 1,  "He also made the stars."  With just five words God describes a work that scientists are still trying to figure out.  Amazing..... 

Small?  It's a sense of our place in the universe and yet we seem to claim we know so much.  Around us are men who claim to know how it all began, where it came from, and yet they really know so little.  In the vastness of all that is around us it is fascinating to me that some claim knowledge they cannot possibly have.  

Small.  It's how I feel until I read these simple words, "God loved you so much that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him will have everlasting life."  In that short passage I realize the God who made the heavens sees and loves me.  Even if no one else ever sees me God does and he loves me.  How strange that God would love such a small little planet like this.

1 comment:

  1. I remember a quote : “Theology, the Queen of the Sciences, has been banished to the back of the bus by her own bigoted descendants.” - Michael Bauman

    The depth of the creation has no color without the true sight of GOD's glory. I can't imagine an infinite uncaring universe in which we are nothing but incidental.
