Thursday, April 05, 2012

The Final Solution

Tomorrow, Good Friday, we remember the most horrible and wonderful day in human history. It stands alone as a day that tells us God loves us, understands our pain, and has provided a solution for our sins. In one day more than 2,000 years ago God declared, through what we all saw at the time as a terrible failure, that he loved us and had provided the final solution for sin. I have heard many call the Christian faith a bloody religion. It is. But what they don't realize is that through the sacrifice of one man forgiveness of sin and restoration of all things has been accomplished once for all.

I am one of billions who have said yes to this gift of love and forgiveness. I am one who understands how wonderful this horrible day was. In the death of Jesus Christ life was provided for everyone. I am a grateful recipient of the eternal life offered to anyone who would simply trust Christ. Because of his sacrifice my sins are forgiven, I have new life, I have a relationship with God, I am now his son, I've been bought back and given life rather than death. Eternally I will have the joy of saying thank you to the God who loved me so much. It seems wrong to celebrate such a horrible day as good Friday, but in that terrible sacrifice the final solution was provided for all of mankind and in that sacrifice for me and you I will now and eternally rejoice.

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