Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Building up one another

My teammate, David Vinson, took this photo. It's from our time together today. It's Tuesday evening here and my first chance to get an internet moment. The week so far has gone really well and our team is wonderful together. They have helped one another, encouraged each other and built up each other as we have worked together. It's been a great experience to see five men work together to serve God and share with other men and women half-way around the globe.

Our time with these pastors has been a rich blessing. They are so sweet and caring. Each one asks about our church back home. Each one gives you the "Kenyan handshake" (there are rules to this secret handshake), and each one loves us. It's such a blessing to be here. We can all see how needed this time is with these pastors. They are learning so much and are hungry for everything we give them. They have no other source for material to grow so they are like baby birds with their mouths open.

Thank you all for your prayers. God has richly blessed and we are enjoying the answers to your prayers as we spend this week in Kenya. I'll share more as I can.

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