Thursday, March 01, 2012

Smile for the day

A guy had been isolated on an island in the South Pacific for 10 years.

He lit a signal every night for 10 years but no one saw it and no one came to rescue him. Finally a passing boat did notice the signal and sent an officer and men in a small boat to investigate.

The castaway explained that he had been on this island for 10 years waiting to be rescued.

The boat captain ask "If you are all alone, what are those three huts I see built in the lagoon?

He answered "The first hut is my home. The second hut is where I go to church. And the third hut is where I went to church before I got mad and changed churches ..."

1 comment:

  1. You have no idea how funny this is to a pastor like me! It's the very heart of the problem in church- the heart of each member.
