Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Problems and Perspective

Problems. We all have them. Bills to pay, children to raise, parents, work, illness, worries, struggles, relationships, LIFE!

One of the things we most need when we deal with problems is perspective. Do you see that third cab on the left in the photo? In that cab is a woman who is dealing with a dying child and a broken marriage. She's crushed under the load of it all. She doesn't know what to do, where to turn, how to deal with all the brokenness in her life. Her heart is breaking.

But what you see from your perspective is a much bigger picture, a much broader view of things. This woman's problems are big in her life, but small when you step back a bit. That's true in our lives as well. In the midst of our crisis, our problems, we feel overwhelmed and burdened with the weight of our problems. But those around you barely notice. They are busy with their own issues, their own problems. So who sees you? Who understands all you're going through? Who really cares about YOUR problems?

You know my answer already, don't you? The bible is rich with a right perspective on problems and the things that are big to us. Jesus addressed them often and told those listening, "Come to me, bring your problems, your burdens....I'll carry them, I care about you, I love you. Walk with me while I carry your burdens and I will give you rest." When no one else sees you or understands you God does. He cares. He knows. He's not mad at you, he's not punishing you, he loves you.

Is there a reason for problems? Yes! And when you have time for a cup of coffee we can sit down and talk about it, but know that when no one else sees you God does and he cares. Take your problems to him.....whatever they will find someone who sees you, loves you and will help you.

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