Saturday, March 31, 2012

Band-aids and bullet holes

Most people don't think our problem is as serious as it really is.

Most people believe a band-aid is all that's needed to fix the problem. I might like a plain one, but you want a pretty flower band-aid. We each choose the band-aid that we think works best for us.

All around us we have the idea that a band-aid can solve my problem, that it's not as bad as it really is. Any old band-aid will heal the wound, but it's not true. The wound is much worse than we believe. The problem much more serious.

What we need so desperately is not a band-aid, but a surgeon. We need someone to remove the problem, the bullet that has caused the wound. We only see the open wound and dress it with a band-aid and wait for it to heal, but there's something deeper that must be taken care of.

All around me I read and talk to people of different faiths who have the perfect band-aid for the problem. "If you will use our band-aid," they say, "your wound will heal." Some even claim there is no wound, but we all know there is.

One faith says the problem is much deeper than we know. One faith says we need a surgeon to remove the bullet, to take out the source of the wound or it will never heal as it should. Yes, the wound might heal superficially, but the source of the wound remains and will cause problems for the rest of the person's life.

We are in a world that tries to dress bullet holes with band-aids. It's not enough. We have a deeper problem. It's the bullet that has cut into each one of us, it's called sin. No band-aid will remedy that problem. We need a surgeon. We need the source of the problem removed and then the wound can heal as it should.

All around are people proudly wearing their band-aid of choice, but the problem remains. Until we address the sin
problem (and only the great surgeon Jesus can do that) we still have not dealt with the source of the wound.

Romans 6:23- For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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