Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Neck-up" Christianity

I have a new way to describe many Christians I run into these days. I call them "neck-up" Christians. They have tremendous knowledge. They know doctrine. They know the word. They know "stuff!" And they are of no use to the Christian world or the kingdom of God at all!
Christianity is supposed to be holistic. It's supposed to affect every part of who you are and what you do. It's supposed to change you into the image of Christ.
If your faith does not move from what you know to what you do then you are a "neck-up" Christian. You have heard of the comedy skit "you might be a red-neck if..."? Let me play off of that for a moment with some observations of my own based on this idea....
You might be a "neck-up" Christian if...
...you love bible studies, but don't want to help the poor.
...you will spend hours reading your bible, but don't have time to serve in your church.
...you think discipleship has to do with an open bible and a notebook, and not with painting a widow's home.
...you will go hear the great bible teachers of the day, but don't have time to go listen to the lonely people in nursing homes near you.
...you know the word, but still live in sin.
...you can quote the bible with the best of them, but it doesn't affect your life.
Christianity is supposed to be holistic....it changes all of me or it's not real...it's a "neck-up" religion. Jesus came to confront that kind of religion. In his day they were called Pharisees. He railed against them. He called them white-washed tombs. He called them hypocrites. Today I call them "neck-up" Christians.

1 comment:

  1. I like this term "neck-up" Christianity; it sums up the definition so well: A Christian who is more cerebral than "cardial"*.

    I think that we each have "neck-up" Christianity parts of our lives. We have times in our walk with the Lord and places within ourselves where there is a disconnect between the head and heart. We all have experienced a discordance between what we know we should do and what we actually do. If this were not the case, Romans 3:23 would no be true.

    May Jesus help us to be Holistic Christians who hear and do what God says. Luke 11:28, Revelation 1:3.

    *Cardial- made up word for cardiac, heart.
