Saturday, February 25, 2012

Four years ago

This was me four years ago this week. I had foolishly used a tall stool as a ladder, fell and crushed my heel. Surgery was a week after this photo and then began the long road to recovery, actually it's the long road to what they called my "new normal".

A moment ago I got up to go to the other room and my ankle hurt so bad that it took a minute before I could put any weight on my foot. I'm not complaining, really I'm not, I am just thinking about the results of choices that seem small at the time, but bring about a change in life that will literally change everything about the days ahead.

I've seen this in other lives, little choices that cripple us in some way for years to come. I wonder if we knew the cost would we still pay the price? I wonder if we could look down the timeline of our lives would we choose a different path?

I have a friend who has made a bad choice in his life and blew up everything around him....his family, his marriage, his career....everything! He told me that is not a day that goes by that he doesn't regret his choices.

Today, like most days, I have to intentionally try to not walk with a limp. It's always a temptation to give in to the pain, but I try my best to live above it. It's amazing, isn't it, what a bad choice can do in our lives?

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