Thursday, February 02, 2012

Finding God's will

This morning I am visiting with a missionary in Uganda. He said, "Things are really difficult here. I wonder if I'm in God's will....." His connection of difficult circumstances with God's will got me thinking. I wonder how many feel the same way? How many think that trials, problems, and struggles mean I'm going the wrong way? How many think that God's will for them will be easy? How many quit when things get tough and feel they have missed God's will for their lives?

The truth is that God's will for our lives will often be littered with struggles and problems. It doesn't mean you're going the wrong way, it just means you have an enemy that doesn't want you to reach the summit and is doing all he can to get you to give up, get discouraged, and quit.

Don't give up, don't quit, keep climbing! One of the best ways to know you're in God's will is the reality that things get tough. The climb to the top will be difficult, get used to it. Most Christians don't know that being out of God's will is actually much easier than walking with God. When things get tough don't think you missed God, you're probably closer to God's plans for you than you realize. Just keep climbing!

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