Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Early this morning I met with one of our guys. We were talking about priorities, what's important, how to use our days. It was a great visit, but what was clear was his frustration with simply not having enough time for all the things we discussed. He didn't say so, but I could tell I was frustrating him and he was kind enough to smile and nod as I spoke of using our time well for the important things.

What I know, having been in the business world myself, is the reality that we simply don't have enough time! Life is simply insane! We acknowledge the need to read God's word, to pray, to spend time with family, but how do we fit it all in? We can't, and sadly we don't.

After my friend left the man at the next table turned to me and asked, "You're a pastor, aren't you? I was listening to your visit and......."

He then proceeded to talked about how busy his life is, how hard it is to do the things I was talking about. I didn't realize I was speaking to two men, but I was. I told him I understood, having been in his world for many years. He admitted that it's hard to fit it all in and I know that is a reality.

I think the best victory of our enemy is to keep us so busy that we have no time for the truly important things.

Paul wrote these words, that fit best in the world we live in today, "make the most of your time, because the days are evil" Ephesians 5:16

The days dictate a different approach to time, a different way of dealing with a clock spinning so fast that we feel out of control. How do we slow this thing down? How do we recapture our lives, our time? We all have to work, but in those moments that are ours how do we live, how do we use the seconds that we claim as our own and use them well?

It demands clarity about what is most important to us. What do we want to invest our lives in? In twenty years will you be glad to say, "I am so glad I spent those hours watching The Bachelor." It demands we decide what's important to us and act like it!

I'm a chronic couch potato. When I get home from the day all I want is my chair, some ice tea and some time to do nothing, but is that how I want to be remembered? I think my grand kids will remember me best in my recliner. Without thinking I've used my moments and communicated what's important to me. In the warp speed days we live in, at least for me, I think I need to be more intentional about how I use my moments. Might I invite you to join me in this different look at our use of time in these last days?


  1. I kinda miss the moments that God called me to Himself in the 5:00 am sweet time with Him alone in my red-prayer-chair. Setting that time aside alone and in the quiet of the morning. I don't have to make Him into my day as a missionary - I am able to be luxuriant in our times together... But I miss the blessing that comes from saying to Him - NOTHING is as precious as our time. That is why I have a desire to make a commitment to extend myself in something new when I return to Germany. I don't want to share this thought in public, but I am excited about it. I miss that awareness that I am going out of my way to be with HIM! I think the 'business world' forgets what a blessing that is apart from the 'ministry world'!

  2. One more thing - a few days ago you wrote about waiting. I wanted to share this link on You Tube with you. This is my dear Heart/Harp Friend that God has given me in Germany. She composed this song and posted it for me to hear and be encouraged throughout this year of my being so far from my little home in Germany. I thought you might enjoy it. Love you dear friend. May God lead you in His everlasting ways. http://youtu.be/2wbX3wqjx9Y

  3. During my devotional time this morning I said:"God, you've told me I need balance in my life. How? What would you have me to do? Where do I start? I am so overwhelmed. There just isn't enough time to get everything done that you'd have me do."

    Led by the Holy Spirit, I then read 1st Peter 5:6-12. His word reminded me to humble myself, cast my cares upon my Father, to obey,wait,and TRUST him.

    Shortly after,I came up with this:
    GOD is never early. GOD is never late. His promises are worth the wait! His "Due Time" TRUTH is Oh so Great!

    God has blessed me today through your article. Thank your for your willingness to be God's mailman! I believe you bring him great JOY!

    Joyfully Blessed,Diana B.Harris
