Thursday, January 05, 2012

Eating the apple

It often surprises me how companies stay in business. Customer Service is poor, products are mediocre and the staff is rude, but I never expected that from Apple. Yes, I've eaten the Apple and have mostly Apple products for my personal computer needs, but when something went wrong today I suddenly realized how bitter this Apple can taste at times.

Here's what happened-

Last fall I bought an Apple laptop. I love the computer, no problems with it at all, but yesterday the power adapter died. The computer is only months old so I called Apple to see what they could do. I talked to a young man (everyone I talked to at Apple is young) who gave me a case number and told me to go to the Apple store and they would replace my power adapter, so off I go for the trek across Dallas to the closest Apple store. Now the fun begins......

When I got to the store I made my way through the drooling masses to one of the young, tattooed Apple reps and told him my situation, showed him my case number and waited while he checked his iPad for choices.

He asked, "Do you have an appointment?"

I replied, "No, the guy on the phone at Apple gave me a case number and told me I could come over and exchange the defective part."

He replied, "I can't help you if you don't have an appointment."

I stood there for a moment in amazement and then asked, "So how do I get an appointment and when can I get some help with this?"

"My next open appointment isn't until tomorrow afternoon," he replied.

Now I'm just standing there thinking about how comical this all was. I am in the store with a case number their company gave me to fix a problem that would take two minutes and he won't help me. What to do? We make our way back through the drooling masses to a restaurant next door for something to drink and time to figure out what to do.

While drinking some tea and eating some amazing Thai noodles I call Apple back. I explain to another young man my situation. He puts me on hold for about 15 minutes and finally comes back with an appointment at the iPhone desk in an hour. We finish our wonderful and unplanned dinner and make our way back to the Apple store.

One more push through the drooling masses to once more engage the young man who said I would have to come back tomorrow. I approach him and tell him I have an appointment at 5:20. He looks up my name and then gives me a frown, realizing that I had beat his best plans to frustrate me. I think he was surprised and irritated that I had figured out a way around his system. He said, "Well, they have you at the iPhone desk, I don't think they can help you, but stand over there." (As he points to the iPhone desk.)

We obediently work our way through the drooling masses to the iPhone desk and wait. While I wait my sweet wife has time to look at everything in the store. Finally a young man with gauged ear rings, messy hair and tattoos comes over to help us. Within five minutes I have my new power adapter and we victoriously push our way out of the store through the drooling masses. Victory!

Frankly I never imagined this would be such an ordeal, a comedy, a frustration, but still I love my computer and if dealing with a system designed to make it difficult is part of the deal I will figure out how to work through it. On the upside we discovered a new restaurant we absolutely loved and a waitress that was the best we have ever had.....even if I couldn't understand her.

So, in spite of the events of the day I'm enjoying my bite of the Apple. I guess, for me, it was love at first bite.....even if it tastes a little bitter at the moment.

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