Sunday, December 04, 2011


Psalm 42: 1 As the deer longs for streams of water,
so I long for you, O God.
2 I thirst for God, the living God.

Have you ever been thirsty? I mean really thirsty...your mouth dry, lips parched, your tongue clinging to the roof of your mouth. If you have ever been that thirsty you long for just a sip of water.'s how we describe a need for something that is vital to life. We cannot live without water. If we went without it for even a few days our health would diminish quickly. We must have water to live.

David wrote of another kind of thirst. He wrote in this Psalm of a thirst for God. A craving for that relationship, that presence that could only be equated to a thirsty deer in the wilderness looking for water. We all have this thirst, this need for God, but many try to quench their thirst with other things.

Like water to the body, God is the only thing that will really meet our thirst's need. Around me I watch a world looking for relief from their thirst in other ways, but the only one, the only water for the soul is God himself. Those who look for relief from other sources will never quench their thirst, they simply sate their thirst for a moment with things that don't satisfy.

I feel that thirst in my life. I so want some "face time" with God, I so want to satisfy my thirsty soul with his presence. It's his face I need to seek, it's his presence in my life that will quench my thirsty soul. Like David, I thirst for God. Lord, would you quench my thirsty?

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