Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Our greatest blessings and annoyances deal with the same thing- people. We all must have others in our lives to thrive and do well. We all desperately need others in our lives for us to be mentally and physically healthy. It's a strange thing, but the very thing that is necessary for us to be healthy can also make us sick.

People around us are the greatest source of pain, hurt and resentment in our lives at one moment while in the next they are our richest blessing, joy and encouragement. Life is a messy thing because of people. But in the same breath let me say that life is a wonderful thing because of people.

Strange, isn't it, but those who bring us our greatest joy can also cause our deepest pain. That's why, when Jesus came with the message of the kingdom, he admonished us to focus on two things- 1. love one another, and 2. forgive one another. The truth is that both of these are vital parts of a healthy life. We must decide to intentionally love and forgive those around us. You will have needy people in your life....love them. You will have mean people in your life....forgive them. Whatever the relationship, whatever the problem there are two admonitions that will solve and salve all of our relationships- love and forgiveness.

I'm thinking about this because I will be teaching on this on Sunday. It's the perfect start for the new year. It's the simple reflection of how Jesus lived out his life as the perfect man. As you watch Jesus encounter people he exercised these two "muscles" more than any other, he loved and forgave. It's the very nature of God as it encounters broken and fallen people.

People are messy. We all have our hurts, wounds, baggage and struggles in tow as we encounter each other. We all have our guards up from previous hurts. We all have our ears tuned to listen for offense. We are messy. The cure for all of the messy people you will encounter is love and forgiveness. I see this lived out best in those who have been wounded the most deeply. Until we have dealt with the wounds and scars inflicted on us by others we won't be able to love and forgive as God desires. It is, without question, a thing we can only do with God's help.

As I write this I'm thinking of someone who has forgiven great wrongs done to her. She was wounded by someone who should have taken care of her, protected her and kept her safe. Her response? She forgave. The greatest benefactor of her forgiveness is her. She is loving and forgiving to everyone because she took her deep wounds to God and forgave. It's made her a loving and forgiving person to everyone who comes with their own wounds. Now others are drawn to her and ask how she did it.

Love and forgiveness. Both are only done as we allow God to work through us. The greatest miracles of your life will come as you love and forgive. The greatest changes in lives around you will come because you love and forgive. These two things are the very heart of God, the very things we love about Jesus, the very things the world most needs, the two things those we encounter most need from us.

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