Saturday, December 10, 2011


I just started reading the book of Job again. What an amazing book!

There are insights into heaven that I don't understand.

There is dialogue between God and Satan that puzzles me.

There are friends who visit Job and don't understand God and his ways any better than we do.

But the focus of the book is a man and his response to God.

After disaster struck Job and he had lost everything here are his words to his wife,

"Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?”

In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.

I wonder, as I read his words, what he was thinking. Grief was there I'm sure. Confusion about God's ways is there without question. Sadness. Loneliness. Fear. A hundred different emotions and thoughts I can only imagine, but from his mouth comes a trust in God in spite of his lack of information.

Often it's simply knowing that God is good in the midst of confusion about our circumstances. If God loves me. If God is good. If I can trust him then my circumstances do not change my commentary on God.

Even in the midst of not knowing "why" Job knew he could trust God and from his mouth came a trust that didn't need all the answers. Could it be that knowing God is more important than knowing why?

1 comment:

  1. I am reading Job, too, but had to slow down. It is such a heavy book. 42 chapters of argument and lament!? Wears on ya. :) I like the fact that Job's friends are MOST helpful when they sit beside him on the ash heap in SILENCE.
