Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas thoughts

This year, to be honest, my hearts not into Christmas. I'm not excited about it. In fact I'm feeling rather a Scrooge about the whole thing. I could easily go into a monologue about consumerism and how crazy it is to spend money for gifts while we lose sight of the real meaning of the season, but that whole discussion has been done to death.

This year I'm simply trying to focus on my walk with God in a busy time when God is so easily forgotten. Honestly I think my relationship with God, whatever that means, has suffered a bit in recent weeks. I could blame a number of things, but at the core of it all is me. I'm the problem. I'm not sure why, but I know it's one of the normal cycles of a walk with God. It's just the wrong time of the year for one of these down times to happen.....

Anyway, with Christmas only a few days away, I survey my living room covered with toys and grandkids playing, having fun, enjoying the day and we have yet to open gifts! They don't need another thing and yet more will come in just a few days. Why do we do this? Will we answer for this crazy excess? I wonder. Yes, Scrooge is at work and I'm him. Sorry, I'm working on it, but for now I am just not into this season of the year.

Christmas is supposed to be a time to remember what God has given. Do we ever do that? Do we realize what he has done? Do we talk about it with our kids? This year we will give our grandkids chickens....chickens that will show up in India for a family in need. I would like to make it even more, maybe goats or cows next year......I would love to make our Christmas about those who have nothing. Now that would be a wonderful Christmas!

As I read the Facebook posts I see wives writing about cooking, decorating, buying gifts, tired, frazzled and worn out. Why are we doing this? Yes, Scrooge is alive and well, but in part I'm tired of this gluttonous consumerism in a country that has too much already. Ok, I'm done. I feel better already. Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Yes there is a lot of excess at this time of the year. Excess spending, excess worrying, excess eating, excess people underfoot, excess, excess, excess! But as the preacher says,"to everthing there is a season". It is the very nature of our God to do, be, and give all in excess. Go to your hiding place, rest and ponder, the excess joy our God has for us just around the cornor, and may the peace of God fill you to the excess!
