Thursday, November 24, 2011


"In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." -1 Thes. 5:18

Today is Thanksgiving day in our country. It started with a group of men and women pausing to thank God for his care and provision. It continues as a tradition that has lost much of its initial purpose.

Today it's a day off, football, turkey, family, pumpkin pie, a nap.....

Today God will find only a brief mention for those who give thanks for the meal, but there is so much more to say. Paul's exhortation to the church speaks volumes for us. All that we have, all that happens, all we experience gives us opportunity to thank the one who gave it from his great kindness. Let me share a portion of my list as I begin this day of thanksgiving.

I'm thankful for God's great goodness to me, for the day, for sight, for health, for family, for a warm home, for salvation...oh how wonderful is that, for purpose, for hope, for love, for food, for clothing, for God's love in my life, for his constant care, for feet that work, for grace to experience, for friends...oh what a blessing they are, for a God who hears when I pray, for my bible...I so love God's word, for my wonderful wife, for children I dearly love, for grandchildren, for glorious parents, for life itself, for this moment to celebrate a good God, for stars that show me how grand God really is, for thousands of other things, moment by moment, I say thank you, God. You are glorious!

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