Wednesday, November 02, 2011


Last night I had an "aha moment."

You know, one of those "light bulb moments" when I suddenly realized something I know, but didn't really know.

How can you describe this to someone who hasn't had this happen to them? It's as if, for the first time, I got "it!"

Here's the "it"-

A dearly loved family member came in to our home and started to talk about a big need they had. It was a need that was critical. If they didn't pay this bill it would mean a big loss. There was a sound of desperation, "what will I do?" in the discussion.

As I listened I thought, "why don't you ask?" You might respond, ask what? But I'm thinking, as I listen, this person knows we love them, they are sharing a real need....why don't they ask for help? Why don't they ask if we could help them?

They didn't.

Later I wrote a note and said, "If you want help just ask."

The reply, "I didn't think you were able to help.....but would you? could you?"

I responded, "I have already gone by the bank in case you asked...."

And then it hit me, this is the "it"- why don't I ask?

Why don't I go to my father as I wanted my loved one to come to me? I'm sure he listens and thinks, "why don't you ask? I love you and am more than willing to help. Why don't you ask?" And so, my big aha moment is this....often my problems that are too big for me need to be taken to a loving father in prayer who has already been to the "bank" and awaits my request.

Why don't we ask?

1 comment:

  1. I just recently had the same a-ha moment about something I'd been whining about and not ASKING about. Whining and asking are definitely two separate things. So I'm asking God now instead of whining and complaining. He hasn't answered yet, but I'm sure He will soon.

