Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hard hearts and stiff necks

There are two things I see in scripture that cause us problems- hard hearts and stiff necks.

Hard hearts describe people who are insensitive to God's voice and untouched by his work in their lives. They simply don't see or sense him, his voice, or his conviction.

Stiff necks describe people who are, even knowing what God wants from them, unwilling to change directions, unwilling to repent. They have set their course and will not "turn their necks," change their minds or direction.

I'm thinking about this because I'm reading a passage, studying a portion of scripture where I see the disciples witnessing some of the most amazing miracles of all history and seems untouched, unaffected by them. They had hardened their hearts. They had become insensitive to God's amazing work in their midst.

I wonder....I wonder how hard my heart is. I wonder what God is doing in my life, around me, speaking to me and I simply don't hear it, sense it, feel his presence. This is a dangerous place to be because we don't realize that a hardness has developed in our lives and our relationship with God. I wonder if my stiff neck, my unwillingness to change my course is made worse by my hard heart?

These are my challenges. These are your challenges. I pray that my heart will be soft to God, sensitive to his touch, responsive to his voice. I pray that I will not be so stubborn that I can't change, can't turn my neck to God's directions in my life. I'm thinking about this because 12 men who lived for three years in the very presence of God on earth struggled with it. I know I do to.

Lord, soften my heart, massage my stiff neck. Help me to respond quickly, to hear well your voice and respond to your leading in my life.

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