Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thoughts on the day

It's Saturday. A crazy Saturday here. I just finished reading 200 pages in a commentary and my brain and eyes hurt. After about 50 pages I feel my brain starting to freeze up..."no more, no more...I can't take it!" I'm taking a mini-mester class on Romans and the text is Douglas Moo's 1,000 page commentary. I love how he writes, but an old brain like mine can only take so much.

In my personal reading I'm near the end of 2 Chronicles. It's fascinating to read how the kings of Israel and Judah influenced the direction and faithfulness of the whole nation. I wonder, are we like that as well? Fickle? Easily led and swayed? I hate to admit it, but we are. Godly leadership is so important for a nation. Without it we seem to wander away from stability and good choices. I know that many would disagree with me, but as I watch the nation of Israel in the bible it seems clear that they were highly influenced by the direction of their king, for good or bad. I'm sure we are no different.

I'm beginning a dialogue with a young person seeking truth, or so they claim. It will be a matter of prayer for me to speak in a way they can hear and understand truth. Of course, in our culture of relative truth it will be hard to find common ground, but I will be working towards that goal. Pray for me in this pursuit.

Mongolian BBQ tonight. Can't wait! It will be great to have dinner with friends and eat good food. I love anything that makes me sweat! This will do it.

As I read and write this afternoon I'm listening to some wonderful alto flute classical music. The alto flute is amazing and rarely heard, very nice and most relaxing!

Ok, back to the books....never too late to learn more....part of finishing well is running all the way to the finish line. I'm trying to intentionally do that. Personally, I can't imagine retiring. It would feel like I've stopped at mile 20 with 6.2 more to go....keep going.....keep running until you cross the finish line.

1 comment:

  1. Oddly enough, the marathon is really run from mile 16-26.2. Yes, you are not done at 26! Runners either crawl, stumble, walk, run or sprint across the finish line. The finish is deteremined by your preparation(consistency =success). The wall comes at 18-20. Push through and persevere when the legs feel heavy!
