Friday, October 07, 2011

New music, "DOWNHERE"

I'm often amazed by new music and musicians I had not heard before. One of my new favorites is a group called "DOWNHERE." Their new album, On the Altar of Love, is amazing. As I write this I'm listening to the album. The lyrics as well as the music prompted me to share this find with you. It is an excellent album!

The great treat on the album is one of the artists in the group, Marc Martel. Marc's voice is absolutely amazing. I heard his voice first on a web site looking for artists to recreate the group Queen. On this site are video auditions for those trying to get the different roles in this tour. One of the voices that stood out was Marc. Below is his audition video. It is eerie to watch because his voice is so similar to Freddy Mercury's voice.

I did a search and found out that Marc is part of a the Christian group "DOWNHERE." Next step was to listen to their music and it only took a moment to realize my lucky find. If you are a music nut I would recommend their new album. I think you will love it! Here's Marc's video audition for the Queen tour, . You will be hearing more about Marc in the days ahead.

Here is one of the cuts from their album,

And just for fun,

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