Monday, October 24, 2011


This morning I'm beginning a course on the book of Romans as part of a graduate degree. It's daunting! I only have about 200 pages to read this week. For many taking a full load at grad school they would smile and let me know they have 10 times that much to read, but with all I have to do in the real world this is a daunting task for me. Moments click by and I have to be careful not to waste even one of them....I need every one.

I'm excited for this opportunity, but equally challenged. I hope I use this time well. I pray my poor old head has room for more info and I'm grateful that my sweet wife challenged me to pursue this project even at this age. I thought, why not....I have to do something, might as well get another degree! So, off I go...wish me well.


  1. A man of God can never have too much understanding of God and His Word. Degrees are great for the young man starting out, but you are loved by man and God for how you live out what you already know and do. Enjoy the new frame and paper on your wall when you receive it, we will continue to value the wisdom we receive from you.

  2. Mike, thanks, dear friend, I appreciate your words. Very encouraging indeed. Thank you.
