Monday, October 10, 2011

Going somewhere

Have you ever noticed that beautiful photos often include a wandering road off into a beautiful netherworld? As I look at photos I see this often......a road stretching off into a wonderful world in the distant. I think it's part of our spiritual DNA to look ahead to a dreamy future world. I've seen few scenic photos of a wandering road heading for the dump. We look for a wonderful land ahead, a promise land of beauty, calm and wonder.

I know those photos of beauty ahead captivate me, I'm sure they do the same for others. I'm drawn to a journey with a beautiful and happy ending. As a voyager on a journey myself I hope for a wonderful destination, I long for a beautiful land ahead. I hope for a beautiful meadow and not a dump!

That's the promise of the bible, a destination ahead that will be glorious and worth the twisted journey it takes to get there. In these recent days many have become discouraged, depressed by the world around us. It's easy to lose a vision for the journey ahead, the promise land in the future. Many tell me, in one way or another, that they feel like their journey has ended at the dump, but the journey isn't over yet.

We are going somewhere. We are on a twisted road to a wonderful destination.....if we have trusted Christ as savior, if we have taken that step of faith your destination is promised to be worth the twisted roads it takes to get there. We all dream of a beautiful destination because it's a dream God gave us. We all want that destination at the end of our journey to be wonderful.

The bible promises such a destination. Some call us dreamers and foolish, but we all dream of that place whether we admit it or not. It's a destination God has impressed in each heart, each life...the destination God made us for. It's not at all a dreamy desire for an imaginary land, but a hope for reality itself. We are all going
somewhere. Where will your twisted road end?

1 comment:

  1. I expectantly wait for the day that my road ends at the feet of Jesus in the beautiful home He has prepared for me. Then, I cannot wait to see my beautiful daughter again face to face. Oh the excitement of that scene!
