Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Quote of the day

Cancer patients one to another: "Do you ever get mad at God?"

Response: "I can't afford to get mad at God. I still need Him."


  1. Could you expand on this one, please?

  2. Laura, great question! Do you think the responder would be mad at God if he/she didn't need him? It assumes so. What the comments suggest is that they would be mad, but there is a fear that God wouldn't help them if they were. The truth is that God already knows our hearts and would help us even if we were mad. It was funny to me because of the way we think.....just maybe, if I don't get mad at God he will help me. He's not fickle like us, he knows what we think already, he wouldn't say "no" just because you are mad. It's a short dialogue that reveals our attitudes about God and our hearts.
