Monday, September 12, 2011

Out of left field

There is an old baseball term that comes from the old New York Yankee days.  The term, "out of left field"  describes a runner's surprise as he approaches home base to find the ball flying in from behind him to bring about the out.  It would come "out of left field," out of his sight, and would be a surprise because he couldn't see it coming.

The attacks from the enemy rarely come from our line of sight.  You rarely see them coming when they hit.  They are almost always "out of left field."  As we studied Genesis 20 last night in our home group it struck me that this was an attack from the enemy that for Abraham was "out of left field."  He didn't see it coming, he didn't know what to do about it, he basically was out at home and would have failed if God had not intervened.

In the passage are the two most wonderful words in the bible, but they only appear when all else has failed...they are these, "But God..." and with those words the creator of the universe steps into the story to turn an "out at home" into a home run.  I love it when God steps into the game and changes everything to bring about his plans and keep his promises.

Abraham was out at home in Genesis 20.  He failed. He almost destroyed God's plan and promise because the attack from the enemy was "out of left field" and caught him off guard.  I wonder, when the ball beats you to home plate, and seems to come "out of left field" in your life do you give up or trust God to accomplish his great plans in your life?  Just because the umpire says you're out doesn't mean the game is over.  Just because the enemy blind sided you from left field doesn't mean you failed.  There is this amazing thing that happens as God gets involved....our apparent failures are turned into a home run and a winning score for the home team.

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