Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Important people

Yesterday was our granddaughter's 11th birthday. I am amazed at how quickly she has grown up. It's really a little scary how fast time is moving as we celebrate another year with our sweet Lucy. It's hard being the first-born, but she handles it all pretty well. I'm thankful for this sweet girl. She is a beautiful young lady who is, even at 11, making good choices. It will be exciting to see what God does in her life in the years ahead.

Around each of us are important people, people we need to invest our time, our lives into. We can't help everyone, we can't be with thousands to make a difference, but if you could be with a handful of people and help them in their lives how great would that difference be? I often think our desires for influence miss the most important point- your life will only touch a handful of other lives. Invest in those few lives and be content that a few friends and family will remember you fondly. Don't try to change the "world," focus your attention on those around you. That will be enough reward for anyone!

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