Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 years ago today

10 years ago today all was calm.  10 years ago today life was good.  10 years ago today people were touring the trade towers, people were working in them.  10 years ago today life was good. 10 years ago today no one imagined how life would change in just 24 hours.  

10 years ago tomorrow everything changed...

Suddenly our sense of security was gone.  

Thousands died.  

Children lost parents.

10 years ago today none of us imagined what would happen in just a day, in just 24 hours.  Everything would be different.  Nothing would ever be the same again.

What a difference 24 hours made.

There is another day coming. It will be just 24 hours away from another normal day.  It will be an unexpected day. It will be a day when everything will change once more.  It will be that final day.  Suddenly everything will change.  Nothing will ever be the same again.

We never imagine such a day will come, but it did just 10 years ago. 10 years ago tomorrow was a day we couldn't imagine.  It changed everything for us.  There is one more day like that, a day that is life changing.  It's called "the day of the Lord" when God will wrap up all the affairs of men and bring a conclusion to this part of history.  It will only be 24 hours away from a day that seems completely normal.  It will be just like this day 10 years ago today.  No one could imagine such a day coming in only 24 hours, but the bible tells us such a day is coming. Perhaps tomorrow.

The Sunday after 9/11 our church was packed (as were most churches), but the urgency died down quickly.  After a time of grief we all went back to sleep.  We all fell back into our "normal lives."  

But there will be a day coming when the Lord returns.  We may only be 24 hours away from that great day when nothing will ever be the same again.