Friday, August 12, 2011

What God cares about

Ideas and slogans like this are everywhere. The idea is simple- don't waste your life, do something! It's the doing that matters most in our culture....just do something, be remarkable, do something memorable. But I doing something the most important thing? I wonder if being someone isn't the lost secret. I'm convinced that it's not what you do that's important, but who you are. The secret is not in the doing, but in the being.

I don't think God's as interested in what we do as he is in who we are....because who we are will determine what we do. We, in our culture, are focused on the "do", but God is focused on the "be". We are in a culture of great things, make a lot of money, get an education, accomplish something great, but inwardly we are empty and heartless. We have spent all our time working on the things that won't last and neglected the things that will....the eternal things of the soul.

God's not as interested in what you do as he is in who you are because who you are will determine what you do.

It's simple. Work from the inside out, not from the outside in. Greatness isn't measured by the "kingdom" you create, but by the man or woman you are inside. Truly great people may have little to show in the way of possessions, but are immensely rich of soul and spirit. As you begin your day focus on the right from the inside out. Starting from the heart and working out will make a big difference in focus, direction and results.....because God's not as interested in what you do as he is in who you are because who you are will determine what you do.

1 comment:

  1. Thankful for this post. My life feels terribly ordinary and I never feel like I do "great things" (though my family may consider laundry, cooking and cleaning and taxi service great things.) I'm glad God is concerned about me inside out. It's nice to not have to spout off an impressive resume in his presence as everything I've done of worth, has been done by his might and for his glory.
