Monday, August 08, 2011


A friend of mine sent me an e-mail this morning with some wonderful encouraging words. She cares about me and often that makes all the difference. It sure does for me.

She was reading in Psalms 105 this morning and came to these words, "...until what He said came to pass, the word of the Lord tested him." In this passage is new insight into the life of Joseph as he waited in prison for God's work and word to come to pass. He had no idea what that might look like, but he trusted God when he could see nothing ahead. What he didn't know about those days is revealed in Psalm 105...the word of the Lord was testing him. I'm not sure what that looked like for Joseph. I'm not even sure what that look like for me or you, but I know there is a refining work that God does in each of us that is done through his word.

One day we will see the purpose of these days, these tests and celebrate God's preparation for our work for him. The test for us is believing God's word, trusting him and waiting for his work and timing in our lives. It often takes a while. It's usually difficult, but it's an adventure worth the wait. Trusting through testing yields triumph. What does triumph look like? I have no idea, but there is a reward for a walk with God, a walk that trusts him even when you can't see what he is doing.

It seems that James understood this better than most as he wrote, "consider it all joy when you encounter various tests..." because as you trust him through those days God is working in your life. Won't it be great to see what he does with us? I can't wait!

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