Monday, August 29, 2011

Much about nothing

One of my morning rituals, like many of you, is to read the news. It's becoming quite clear that nothing ever changes. The news is the same every day, they just change the names and the places. Every day a celebrity does something wrong. Every day there is war somewhere. Every day there is conflict and chaos. Every day the news is the same. We are masters at making much about nothing.

I would love to read the news one morning and find that we have made much of the right things. It won't happen until Christ returns, but imagine the morning news in this way: Today God is on the throne, those who have extra are helping those who don't, no one was shot anywhere, no one cried last night as they went to sleep, no baby felt unloved anywhere, there were no divorces yesterday anywhere we can report....imagine such a place. It would be the most wonderful place, wouldn't it? Why, it sounds like heaven and it is.

One day this will be the morning news. One day all will be right with the world because God will be on his throne, satan will be in his place, sin will be dealt with and every tear will be gone. One day is near. I long for that great day....that day when we can make much of the right things.