Thursday, August 04, 2011

A bad example

Today I want to share with you the contents of an e-mail sent to an atheist who writes a blog I read. It's important for my community to see what they hear from those who "claim" our faith. The author of this e-mail claims to be a Christian, but his words tell me a much different story.

Are you ready? Here it is, an e-mail from a "Christian" sent to an atheist blogger:

"Subject: Hell is waiting for you!

You fools are as crazy as anything I have ever seen. We have the damn right to include Christianity, as you do not to. You only want it one way - your way. Your rights end when it steps on my rights you stupid demon garbage. Your kind of people is what's wrong in America. Decaying the very fabric of our society. The time is quickly coming for us to take back America from people like you, the ACLU, the queers, lesbians, pedophiles and illegals. You all are grouped together for elimination from our society soon. It's coming....and we will be coming for fools like demon crap." (Read his entire post here.)

Makes you want to be a Christian, doesn't it?

I commented on this blog to apologize. I told them this is not the way most of us think or live. It's just sad to read words like these that express hate, anger, and stupidity.

What Christ has called us to is a life that emulates his...a life of a servant, someone who loves those on a different path. Jesus hung out with "sinners" (the rejected people of his day) and was rejected by the religious elite for his friendships. I so wish we had that same heart to love, care for and hang out with those who many might consider the "demon crap" of our day.

It's time for a different picture to be painted of real Christ followers. It's time we once more emulate Jesus and truly care for, love and hang out with those Christ loves even if they don't believe what we believe. It's time that your "neighborhood atheist" would consider you his best friend because you truly are. It's time, it's past time to live our lives in the shadow of a Savior who was willing to be ridiculed for seeing others as real people and not simply for what they believe or don't believe.

Let's paint a different picture with our lives...a picture of people who love those around us and really care about them simply because God made them and loves them. Don't worry about whether they are in your faith community or not, if they are fellow human beings we are called to love and care for them. Ok, there's your others as Christ has loved you!


  1. Great post Mike. It's by God's grace that I know Him and through His grace I will love others.

  2. Hi Mike,
    Thanks for sending me the link to your post.
    If I was a theist, I'd have written something close to what you did. :-)
    Theist or not, you're fighting the good fight.
    The Godless Monster

  3. Thank you godless, I consider that high praise.
